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(860) 826-8227

Policy of Bright Cleaning Services

When a client agrees for our cleaning service she/he automatically agrees with Policy of Bright Cleaning Services. Please read our Policy carefully.

  1. Our Cleaning Service is licensed, insured and bonded. We are specialized in providing high quality professional cleaning services.
  2. Business hours of Bright Cleaning Services office are: Monday to Friday 8.00 am-4.00 pm.

If you call after business hours, leave us a message. Bright Cleaning Services will call back on the next morning of the next business day or as soon as possible.

Calls of clients received on Saturday and Sunday will be returned on Monday morning or as soon as possible.

  1. Full 24 hour notice is needed if a client needs to cancel our cleaning service on a particular day. If not it will be $40 cancelation charge, due to already coming to a client’s house, cost of preparation for this appointment, and making place available for a client in the schedule. We could waive the cancelation fee due to extreme emergency.

To ensure that there is no miscommunication between Bright Cleaning Services and a client, any changes (of scheduling, cleaning duties and so far) need to be reported directly to Bright Cleaning Services office.

  1. Bright Cleaning Services would only cancel the appointment due to extreme circumstances (for example, snow storm, or an emergency of the person who is expected to clean). Bright Cleaning Services would not be charged any cancelation fee for this cancelation.

However if the person who is expected to clean has an emergency, replacement cleaning personnel are recommended. Only if a client chooses not to take a replacement person Bright Cleaning Services will not send anyone to clean.

  1. If a client has an additional cleaning request to the regular cleaning routine, (for example, cleaning inside of the oven, inside of the refrigerator, inside of the cabinets, etc.) to be able to accomplish this task, an additional time is needed, a client should ask Bright Cleaning Services office in advance (no later than 24 hours). Otherwise a Bright Cleaning Services employee will perform this task only if it does not conflict with the rest of the arrangements of the day. Bright Cleaning Services will charge a client for extra cleaning according to our hourly bases.
  2. A payment should be made soon after the cleaning service was done, or other arrangement should be done with the Bright Cleaning Services office. If a regular client forgets to leave the payment, Bright Cleaning Services will still perform the job for a regular client(doing regular standard work of regular appointments) and invoice will be sent after the job. There is a due date on each invoice and the payment should be made accordingly. If a client needs additional time to pay the invoice, Bright Cleaning Services should be informed about this situation and the payment plan could be arranged if needed.
  3. If the check is not accepted by the bank a client is responsible in addition to the check’s amount for the check 30$ additional ISF charge.
  4. If we are not paid for a job in 3 months from the time when the cleaning service was done, and the client is not responding to our letters, Bright Cleaning Services will contact a Collection Agency or a Small Claim Court.
  5. A client cannot use any Bright Cleaning Services employees for any tasks or project without the scope of Bright Cleaning Services (company’s direction and knowledge) during their employment and two years after their employment was terminated.

Otherwise Bright Cleaning Services reserves itself the right to the fee of selling of an employee which is the amount of client yearly services.

  1. If a client has anything in a house that needs a special product to clean, or a special way of cleaning is required, (for example, a special piece of furniture which should not be polished or special granite cleaner is needed), Bright Cleaning Services should be informed about it before cleaning. Otherwise Bright Cleaning Service will not be responsible if any damage will occur during regular cleaning routine. Regular routine is explained on a website.
  2. Our staff is trained to be very careful with client’s belongings, however occasional accidents happen. Our staff is instructed to leave broken items in the full view with a note and report a breakage or a damage immediately to the office of Bright Cleaning Services. Bright Cleaning Services are fully insured, and will take responsibility for the damage incurred by our staff.
  3. Bright Cleaning Services assumes no liability for a damage or a loss of items that were not properly stored, secured or attached.

(Example of these issues: pictures hanged on the wall on a hook that is not properly attached so only by touching it lightly during the process of the cleaning could fall down resulting in the breaking the frame or the glass of the picture; a vase or any piece of a decoration put in a very unstable way on the counter or window sill, Christmas trees or Christmas decorations.)

  1. If something in the house is not functioning properly, and using it could result in some damage of an equipment or the house (for example, toilets has a leak or is stuck so flushing the toilet will flood the house) a client should inform the Bright Cleaning Services office before the cleaning appointment so we could make sure that the Bright Cleaning Services employee is well informed about it. Otherwise Bright Cleaning Services will not be able to take responsibility for this damage.
  2. If a client has a legitimate issue over a prior cleaning, she/he should call within 24 h of the cleaning in question in order to speak to a Bright Cleaning Services representative about setting up a complimentary cleaning within 7 days.
  3. As a safety measure, a Bright Cleaning Services employee does not move any item over 30 pounds in weight. If a client would like to clean under or behind this item (for example a fridge, a stove, a heavy piece of furniture such as dressers, beds and other large items), a client would be ask to move the items first, or assist in moving this item.
  4. Any pets in the house should be secured to avoid exposure to hazardous cleaning chemicals, because it will be hard for our employee to be responsible for watching a pet while doing cleaning procedure; unless you feel comfortable that a pet will not be interested in the cleaning chemicals.
  5. If Bright Cleaning Services employee during the process of cleaning, start not to feel safe with a pet in the house (for example, the dog start to bark and the situation is very unsafe and frightening for our employee), Bright Cleaning Services reserves the right to remove the employee immediately from the house.
  6. If client’s home is equipped with an alarm system, please be sure it is in an off or unarmed position prior to our arrival. If a client decides that Bright Cleaning Services should have the code to the alarm system, then Bright Cleaning Services will be responsible for setting it off.
  7. If anybody in a house cleaned by Bright Cleaning Services, has any infectious illness, which could put our employees in danger, we have a right to know about it. Bright Cleaning Services employees will either take necessary precautions during cleaning, or this appointment should be reschedule on a different day.
  8. Payments more then 60 days late will be charged 10% late payment fee or collection agency charges of $20.

To Clients of Bright Cleaning Services

We would like to take a moment and thank you for choosing Bright Cleaning Services for your cleaning needs. We always try to bring high quality cleaning services for our customers. In order to have a smooth business relationship, please make sure that you are familiar with our policies and procedures.

If you choose to use your own supplies, please make sure that you see our cleaning supplies needed.

Contact us now to schedule a consultation!
