Cleaning Supplies
A client has a choice using products offered by Bright Cleaning Services, or their own cleaning products. When using their own products, we have a basic list of cleaning supplies we need:

- Windex or any glass cleaner
- All-purpose cleaner in spray bottle (401 cleaner, Lysol all-purpose cleaner, Simple Green, etc.)
- All-purpose concentrate cleaner to be deluded for washing tile floors, linoleum or other bigger surfaces.
- Bathroom spray cleaner (any soap scum remover: Tilex soap scum, Scrub Free, Comet bathroom cleaner, etc.)
- Clorox or Tilex (any mold and mildew remover and for disinfecting)
- Bowl Cleaner
- Toilet brush
- Murphy oil, soap or vinegar for washing wood floors and cabinets
- Furniture polish (Pledge or any kind)
- Rags
- Paper towels
- Mop
- Bucket
- Vacuum cleaner
Bright Cleaning Services understands that the client could have own preferences due to their medical condition, allergies, or simply point of view about the subject. Bright Cleaning Services always respect the client request about using specific cleaning products.